In The Spotlight…
Weldmar Hospicecare

Hospice Aid UK receive letters on a daily basis but sometimes the response we receive from even small amount is truly heartwarming.

Weldmar Hospicecare wrote to us requesting funding for 65 hand held fans costing £650.00.

Although, it did take a little longer for us to secure the funding for them, we did it! When we sent over the grant, the response from the staff was sheer joy! We were so happy ourselves that we had not only been able to help the patients, but we also felt that we had helped the staff too.

The passion for the work they do is truly wonderful and they really do want to make a difference to the comfort of patients, even in the smallest way.


Margaret Palmer enjoys the cool air of a fan supplied by HospiceAid UK

Meet Margaret Palmer.  A small, hand held fan is making her life in their in-patient unit in Dorchester a lot more comfortable.

Like several patients that Weldmar Hospicecare care for, Margaret suffers from breathlessness.  This particularly affects her when there are a number of people nearby, as she can feel quite claustrophobic.

Having the fan in her hand means she has a way to ease her breathing should she feel anxious or claustrophobic.  The fan helps to give her some independence – she does have a larger fan by her bedside, but says she feels guilty buzzing the nurses to switch it on and off.  With the hand-held fan, she can comfortably use it as and when she needs to.

A personalised Weidmar Hospicecare fan

Thank you so much for the care and support you provide to your patients and their families.

If you would like to find out more about Weldmar Hospicecare please visit their website